Dear T,
I thought of you again today...
Another memory of you pop-ed into my mind while I was talking to Parrot after lunch. She was crossing her legs and it looked so long! And I was like "OMG! How come you're legs look so long?! It looks like a frog's hinds legs!"
Parrot: Maybe because I'm taller than you?! So everything about me looks longer than yours! Ha ha...shorty!
Me: Wtv...hpmh...but actually to come and think of it, it actually looks more like a freaking grasshopper!"
C, Pandi and I used to call you "belalang" *grasshopper when translated to engliseh* I don't even know if you knew this. lol. But only because you were super tall and we had our issues with each other back then so for gossiping purposes we came up with the nickname. How childish we were...
and I'm sorry....
really sorry for all the hurt we caused you at that tension point in our lives...we didn't mean to and deep down inside, I'm reassured as I know you have already forgiven us even without us asking for forgiveness cause that's just you T... n because of that we were friends till the end. I miss you ever so much!