Monday, September 20, 2010

.cuz if you were my girlfriend.

What exactly does a girl talk a bout when she meets up with one of her besties?
Well I can tell you that studies and actually discussing an assignment they set out to do is definitely not one of them!

We we in uni for 5 hours and completed nothing! Where the hell did the time go? An hours lunch turned into a 3 hour lunch.
Topic of discussion: sex
Question: Are we the only girls who talks about sex in general and our sexual life?
Answer: ??? I'm sure *hope* not!
Anyway, it was too funny! All of us bending closely to hear one another and not letting the others around us hear what we were talking about. Failed miserably! All of us know how loud I can unintentionally be, how loud K can scream out stupid stuff when she gets shocked and how loud A's laughter is. I'm sure everybody at Mayo cafe heared our conversation but fuck it as it was a funny picture when seen as a whole. *chest as close to the table as we can get causing our boobs to lean on the table, hands on our chin, talking softly at one point and screaming hysterically the next* If your hoping that I would reveal our conversation, fat hopes as this blog post would take forever! All I can conclude is that I feel reassured that at least most of my girl friends including this 2 nuts go through what I go through :)

We ended up talking about babies *go figure* lol
and how unfair it is that we have to go through the excruciating pain of labour and child birth.
*I'm convinced that it is all because Eve convinced Adam to eat the forbidden apple* Thanks Eve!

A: I never knew what sex really was until I was 17
K: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I found out when I was 14... What about you?
Me: Well technically my mom did the birds and the bee's talk with me and my sisters when I was 7 with this cute little book of a boy and a girl but..
K: WTF! 7?! Dude.... does your mom think that your going to have sex when you turn 10?
Me: No..... let me finish...
K: And a little boy and a girl doing it in a picture book? How sick is that?
Me: WOMEN! can you LET me finish! The little book was about how girls and boys were different in their genitals areas... and I actually found out what sex really was, the process and all, when I was 14 as well... before that my mom told us that a married man and women have sex to get a child and that sex is not a word to be used unless with your husband. And when we asked what sex was, she was like a man and a women sleeping naked together and..
K: Sex can only be discussed with your husband! hahahahahaha!
Me: Shut up! And I actually thought all the while until 14 that you just have to be naked with a man to get pregnant!

K: Your mom is tooo funny! But then again, I also have a really funny story to tell. When I was 4 I saw a small boy's dick and I had never seen one before and thought both boys and girls have a vagina so I went home and told my mom "Mummy I saw the pp of this boy and it was swollen! Why is that mummy?" LOL! So my mom replied, "Maybe because he never took care and it is infected. But don't go around telling him or anybody cause he wouldn't like it and would be really embarrass okay?"


K: LOL! And when my brother was little as well he saw a girl's pp and asked my mom "Mummy, I saw a girl pp today and I want to know why do girls tuck their pp in between their legs?"

Good times!


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