I REALLY need to loose weight... =.=
Before anybody starts jumping to conclusion, I don't think I'm fat ok.... Just that my tummy is turning into a Rollie Pollie Ollie... And to top things of, I can confidently *and regrettably* say that I look 3 months pregnant! So this is what 2 bars of snickers a day can do to your tummy...sigh
And I can't even go on a diet! How do people give up food? Or cut down on their meal intakes? I have to have my 3/4 cup of uncooked rice and my chocolates! To all of you out there who is on any kind of diet, I solute you! Cause I know I am not that strong to do so...
But then again, my rollie pollie is disgusting!
So I started doing push ups yesterday and me being the hero that I am, thought that I could straight away do 200 like what I usually used to do. loser. Managed to only do only 50 and ended up with a very very sore cannot-even-bend-down-or-laugh-or-sneeze tummy the whole of today... I couldn't even manage 6 push ups just now!
Parrot said I should give up my snickers and all forms of in-between-meal snacks :(
but giving up chocolate is like giving up water for normal people *only because I don't drink that much of water =.= * but desperate times calls for desperate measures and I AM DESPERATE! So goodbye snickers *for now heh*. If I can overcome you means I can overcome any in-between-meals snacks. I'll see how long I will last. Fingers crossed!
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