Thursday, May 14, 2009


Well I thought why not? Lets just give a proper welcome to those of you who visit my blog...

Why did I start this blog in the first place? hmmm...
1. Because I was dead bored at home.
2. Another excuse for not studying.
3. So I can rant about
whatever I want
without people judging
me and thinking
that I'm talking bad
about them.
*unlike some people I know*

This is my space, my thoughts and all about me and my life.
I'm going to write whatever I want so please don't get offended by any of it.
Sounds a bit harsh no? I can't control it...

A heads up:
It can seem that I'm a very very mean person when it comes to me being straight forward and I apologise for that.
I can't keep quiet about how I feel and I will tell you my opinion without hesitation.
I can also be very very sarcastic at times so heads up people.

This is basically going to be kind of like my online journal *nothing to personal i promise... ;)
Where i share the thoughts that go through the little head of mine and my feelings which are bottled up inside my heart.

This blog is going to be like my life's story.
So when I look back at it years to come, when I'm old and have mastered knitting *yes, I am knitting now. lol. will talk about this later* , I would laugh at my immaturity and small problems which I thought was the world's biggest problems.

Right now, my biggest problem is studying!!! Hopefully i outgrow it soon... lol.

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