Sunday, October 18, 2009


*excuse me*

It's been a while I know....
Only excuse: Laziness :)
But ain't it everyone's?

Another excuse maybe?
"The Computer Curse"

how ridiculous does that sound!

Ever since we got our very first family computer
*when I was 6 or 7 years old*,
my family had been cursed.

Within a year of usage, the brand new computer would eventually crash.
Either affected by overheating, viruses or lighting.
mainly due to viruses I would say.
*dam you lime wire!*

So I thought maybe the curse only works for CPU's and not laptops.
But boy was I wrong.
*smacks face*
My laptop crashed on the 7th of September.
Out of every reasons possible, it was due to my
Because my graphics card burned out and it affected the mother board.
*Too much of video streaming I would say...GREY'S, OTH, GG, UGLY BETTY and the list goes on!*

Till now I have no idea how I survived without a laptop for that long.
It literally felt as though both my arms and legs had been amputated.
I was lost!

So, my only option was to change the whole mother board and pay freaking $600!
Aussie dollars mind you.

I decided that I was not out of my mind and decided not to repair it but wait till I go back to Malaysia and buy a brand new one.
heh. :)

So now I'm using my house laptop which my mom mailed to me.
But hey, its only for another month or so.


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